Function Arguments
Function Arguments
Function Arguments: Argument is just like a variable which can be used to pass through information to functions.
PHP supports Call by Value, Call by Reference, Default Argument Values and Variable-length argument.
1. Call by Value
In Call by Value, the value of a variable is passed directly. This means if the value of a variable within the function is changed, it does not get changed outside of the function.
2. Call by Reference
In call by reference, the address of a variable (their memory location) is passed. In the case of call by reference, we prepend an ampersand (&) to the argument name in the function definition. Any change in variable value within a function can reflect the change in the original value of a variable.
3. Default Argument Values
If we call a function without arguments, then PHP function takes the default value as an argument.
4. Variable Length Argument
It is used when we need to pass n number of arguments in a function. To use this, we need to write three dots inside the parenthesis before the argument.