PHP Operators
PHP Operators
PHP has different types of operators for different operations. They are as follows:
1. Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations.
Name | Operator | Example |
Addition | + | $x+$y |
Subtraction | - | $x-$y |
Multiplication | * | $x*$y |
Division | / | $x/$y |
Modulus | % | $x%$y |
Exponentiation | ** | $x**$y |
2. Assignment Operators
These operators are used to assign values to variables.
Name | Evaluated as |
= | a=b |
+= | a=a+b |
-= | a=a-b |
*= | a=a*b |
/= | a=a/b |
%= | a=a%b |
3. Comparison Operators
These operators are used to compare two values.
Name | Operator | Example |
Equal | == | $x==$y |
Identical | === | $x===$y |
Not equal | != | $x!=$y |
Not equal | <> | $x<>$y |
Not Identical | !=== | $x!===$y |
Greater than | > | $x>$y |
Less than | < | $x<$y |
Greater than or equal to | >= | $x >= $y |
Less than or equal to | <= | $x <= $y |
Spaceship | <=> | $x <=> $y |
4. PHP Increment/ Decrement Operators
These operators are used to increment/ decrement variable’s value.
Name | Operator |
Pre-Increment | ++$x |
Post-Increment | $x++ |
Pre-decrement | –$x |
Post-decrement | $x- - |
5. PHP Logical Operators
These are the logical operators that combine conditional statements.
Name | Operator | Example |
And | and | $x and $y |
Or | or | $x or $y |
Xor | xor | $x xor $y |
And | && | $x && $y |
Or | || | $x || $y |
Not | ! | !&x |
6. PHP String Operators
PHP has these two operators designed for strings.
Name | Operator | Example |
Concatenation | . | $text1 . $text2 |
Concatenation Assignment | .= | $text1 .= $text2 |
7. PHP Array Operators
These Operators are used to compare arrays.
Name | Operator | Example |
Union | + | $x + $y |
Equality | == | $x = $y |
Identity | === | $x === $y |
Inequality | != | $x != $y |
Inequality | <> | $x <> $y |
!== Non-Identity | !== | $x !== $y |
8. PHP Conditional Operators
These operators assign values to operands based on the outcome of a certain condition.
Name | Operator | Example |
Ternary | ?: | $x = exp1 ? exp2 : exp3 |
Null Coalescing | ?? | $x = exp1 ?? exp2 |